Rooting Out Corruption

The FOUR policies I am running on are chosen for good reason.


Rooting Out Corruption

The FOUR policies I am running on are chosen for good reason.


Rooting Out Corruption

The FOUR policies I am running on are chosen for good reason.


Rooting Out Corruption

The FOUR policies I am running on are chosen for good reason.


Single Bill Voting

Single bill voting in Congress is a vital reform that needs to be written into law to enhance transparency and accountability in the legislative process. This approach mandates that each bill Congress votes on should address only one main issue.

Term Limits

Term limits for elected officials in Congress are an essential reform that should be codified into law to ensure a dynamic and responsive legislative body.

Insider Trading

Legislation explicitly prohibiting insider trading by members of Congress is a crucial measure that needs to be firmly established. Insider trading refers to the act of trading in the stock market based on non-public information, which is illegal for ordinary citizens.

Ban Lobbying

Making lobbying illegal is a proposal that seeks to fundamentally change the way interest groups interact with government officials. While lobbying is a form of advocacy that allows different groups to express their views to lawmakers, its prohibition aims to address concerns about undue influence in politics

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