Sign The Shaman's Petition

Sign the petition and let's get the Shaman back to Congress!

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District 8

Unaffiliate yourself with the DC uniparty so your signature counts.


Let's take a deep dive into the policies I am running on with a firm focus on rooting out corruption in D.C. at it's core. Our current system does not function.

District 8: My Home

District 8

They say home is where the heart is, but seeing what District 8, my home, has become is truly heart breaking. It's time for change!

Want to help?

Although my campaign does not accept money of any kind there are lots of ways you can help!

Let's change the game!

About Me

You have been told many falsehoods about me by the CIA run "Mockingbird Media". I am an open book for those that care to listen.


Since my release from prison I have done many interviews. Here is a curated collection of some of my best, enjoy!

"Never underestimate your power to change the world, our children's future is in your hands."

Jacob Angeli-Chansley

"Never underestimate your power to change the world, our children's future is in your hands."

Jacob Angeli-Chansley



We have created a vast collection of resources that can be used to help get the Shaman to congress no matter your budget or schedule.

Resources get added all the time!

We have created a vast collection of resources that can be used to help get the Shaman to congress no matter your budget or schedule.

Resources get added all the time!

We have created a vast collection of resources that anyone can utilize to help Jake get to congress no matter what your budget or schedule.

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Jacob Angeli-Chansley

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